The Scheldt area is socio-economically very important for both Belgium and the Netherlands. Not only does the shipping (freight transport) and the ports play a major role in the economy and employment, but also the many companies located around the ports and along the river. This includes the chemical industry, food and metal industries, and energy production (nuclear power plants). Additionally, there are other commercial activities such as fishing, sand extraction, and agriculture and horticulture in the area. Furthermore, recreation and tourism are very important for the local population and economy.
Around the Scheldt, there are many activities within residential and working areas. Various research areas therefore monitor the development of societal trends, residential expansion, employment, sustainable development, prosperity, ... set up within the Scheldt estuary. Also, during the implementation of the Sigma Plan in Flanders, not only are accessibility, safety, and nature taken into account, but attention is also given to the livability for residents and agricultural businesses.

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