About the ScheldeMonitor
ScheldeMonitor is a Flemish-Dutch knowledge and information portal on research and monitoring in the Scheldt estuary. Commissioned by the Flemish-Dutch Scheldt Committee (VNSC), the portal serves as a central point for capturing and distributing many kinds of data and information concerning the various aspects that play a role across the entire area of the Western Scheldt and the Sea Scheldt.
In December '23, the latest version of the six-yearly T-evaluation was published. The complete report can be found on this page.
The raw data used in this evaluation can be explored using the interactive applications of ScheldeMonitor. Try them out below, or explore all the applications in this overview.
The data portal of ScheldeMonitor contains a significant number of biotic and abiotic datasets which can be requested via the toolbox. Furthermore, data and metadata from the MONEOS program are provided in data sheets.
ScheldeMonitor attempts to ameliorate as many datasets as possible, preferably in meaningful and understandable graphs and figures. Some figures have been premade, others can be assembled by users themselves using several applications.
Several datasets have been converted to spatial layers. These layers can be viewed, used and downloaded via the built-in ‘Geoviewer’ of ScheldeMonitor.

In collaboration with the Integrated Marine Information System (IMIS), ScheldeMonitor encompasses a large collection of scientific reports as well as non-scientific literature with a focus on the Scheldt estuary.
For researchers
ScheldeMonitor offers a platform by which users can run, store and share their R-scripts that are being used for analysis of the data within the database. The platform contains an online RStudio workspace, a GitHUB organization and a number of RShiny applications.

Tools & Applications
ScheldeMonitor is built upon several separate modules, tools and applications, to assist in collecting and visualizing the wealth of information in the portal.
The statistics below give a real-time indication of the amount of data and information that can be found via the ScheldeMonitor platform.

ScheldeMonitor does not have a dedicated profile on social media. If you want any more information on the research and monitoring that is currently happening in the Scheldt Estuary, please follow the feed of the Flemish Dutch Scheldt Commission on LinkedIn.

The VNSC focuses on the development of the Scheldt Estuary as a 'multicfunctional estuary system that meets human needs in a sustainable manner'. All information on this cooperation can be found on their website.