Data en metadata in ScheldeMonitor can be requested via the download toolbox and the data sheets. Analysis of the datasets are expressed in delineated data products and maps, or can be visualized interactively through the data analysis platform of ScheldeMonitor.
Download Toolbox
All datasets in ScheldeMonitor can be accessed via the built-in toolbox of ScheldeMonitor. In this toolbox datasets can be searched for and filtered on the basis of several criteria. Subsequently, the data are freely available for downloading in CSV format or via webservices.
Data sheets
The MONEOS monitoringsprogramma is an important contributor to the data collection of ScheldeMonitor. Data and metadata from this monitoring are described and thematically divided into a collection of data sheets. These data sheets are searchable within an interactive RShiny application, that visualizes data retrieved in real-time out of the underlying databases.
Data products & Apps
Derived products are made on a regular basis to make the datasets more useful for research and analysis. These could be plots and graphs but also fully developed applications. A link to these products is provided in the gallery of ScheldeMonitor.
Spatial products
Several datasets are converted into GIS material to be able to interpret them spatially. These spatial products are available within ScheldeMonitor via the built-in Geoviewer. More information about this viewer can be found on the web page 'Maps in ScheldeMonitor'.
Het dataportaal van ScheldeMonitor wordt gevoed door een brede groep aan Vlaams en Nederlandse databronnen en -leveranciers. Volgende dataleveranciers voorzien data voor de ScheldeMonitor:

Wageningen Marine Research

Research Institute Nature and Forest


The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Ghent University

Flanders Hydraulics Research

European Environmental Agency

Agentschap Maritieme Dienstverlening & Kust

Belgian Marine Data Center
European Ocean Biodiversity Information System

Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Netherlands Institute of Ecology

Antwerp University

Flanders Environment Agency
Vlaamse Waterweg