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Factors influencing subaqueous dunes in the Scheldt Estuary
Francken, F.; Wartel, S.; Parker, R.; Taverniers, E. (2004). Factors influencing subaqueous dunes in the Scheldt Estuary. Geo-Mar. Lett. 24(1): 14-21.
Peer reviewed article  

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    Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Non-open access 274073 [ request ]

    Topographic features > Beach features > Dunes
    Brackish water; Fresh water

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  • Francken, F., more
  • Wartel, S., more
  • Parker, R.
  • Taverniers, E., more

    The size (wavelength and height) and the factors influencing the characteristics of subaqueous dunes in the river Scheldt between Antwerp and the Belgian-Dutch border were studied. More than 60 dune clusters (each cluster represented by a mean height and wavelength of mostly 10 to 20 or more observations) were analysed. A very good exponential correlation between dune height and wavelength was observed (r=0.90) which can be described by H-mean=0.0321L0.918. Length/depth ratios vary between 0.2 and 9, height/depth ratios between 0.25 and 0.01. There was no clear relationship between current velocity and dune size, as dunes of various sizes co-exist at the same current velocities. Twenty-two dunes were sampled and show grain sizes (d50) ranging between 0.1 and 0.7 mm. Seven out of eight large scale dune fields were found in sandy and/or hard bottom (gravel, coarse sand and shell fragments) environments, whereas small and medium dunes were found in muddy sand and sandy mud environments.

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