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Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam; Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), more
Institutional address:
De Boelelaan 1087
1081 HV Amsterdam
Tel.: +31-(0)20-598 95 55
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Publications (16) |
Top | Institute | Publications |
A1 Publications (6) [show] |
Vermaat, J.E.; Broekx, S.; Van Eck, B.; Engelen, G.; Hellmann, F.; De Kok, J.L.; Van der Kwast, H.; Maes, J.; Salomons, W.; Van Deursen, W. (2012). Nitrogen source apportionment for the catchment, estuary, and adjacent coastal waters of the river Scheldt. Ecol. Soc. 17(2): 30., more
- Vink, R.J.; Behrendt, H.; Salomons, W. (1999). Development of the heavy metal pollution trends in several European rivers: an analysis of point and diffuse sources. Wat. Sci. Tech. 39(12): 215-223., more
- Salomons, W.; De Rooij, N.M.; Kerdijk, H.N.; Bril, J. (1987). Sediments as a source for contaminants? Hydrobiologia 149(1): 13-30., more
- Salomons, W.; Mook, W.G. (1987). Natural tracers for sediment transport studies. Cont. Shelf Res. 11(12): 1333-1343, more
- Salomons, W.; Gerritse, R.G. (1981). Some observations on the occurrence of phosphorus in recent sediments from Western Europe. Sci. Total Environ. 17: 37-49, more
- Salomons, W.; Mook, W.G. (1981). Field observations of the isotopic composition of particulate organic carbon in the southern North Sea and adjacent estuaries. Mar. Geol. 41(3-4): M11-M20., more
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
Books (3) [show] |
- Salomons, W.; Kerdijk, H.N. (1985). Contaminanten in sedimenten : Uit het oog uit het hart? KNCV Symposium "Onderwaterbodems; rol en lot". [S.n.]: Rotterdam. , more
De Groot, A.J.; Salomons, W. (1977). Influence of civil engineering projects on water quality in deltaic regions. Publication. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory = Publikatie - Waterloopkundig Laboratorium, 195. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory: Delft. , more
- Salomons, W. (1977). Zware metalen in het zuid-westelijk Deltagebied. WL verslag, R 1051. Delft Hydraulics/Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: [s.l.]. , more
Book chapters (3) [show] |
- Salomons, W. (1988). Heavy metal chemicals - an overview, in: Newman, P.J. et al. (Ed.) Environmental protection of the North Sea: International technical conference, London, 24-27 March 1987. pp. 245-255, more
- Salomons, W.; Kerdijk, H.N. (1986). Contaminanten in het Nederlandse kustgebied, in: Rozema, J. (Ed.) Oecologie van estuariene vegetatie: bundeling van de voordrachten gehouden op 24 april 1985 in de Faculteit der Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. pp. 148-169, more
- Salomons, W.; Eysink, W.D. (1981). Pathways of mud and particulate trace metals from rivers to the southern North Sea, in: Nio, S.D. et al. Holocene marine sedimentation in the North Sea basin. pp. 429-450., more
Reports (3) [show] |
Vermaat, J.E.; Salomons, W.; Gilbert, A.J.; Hellmann, F. (2009). Articulating SRES-scenarios for use in integrated modelling of land use, hydrology and nitrogen budgets of the Scheldt catchment. Institute for Environmental Studies: Amsterdam. 8, tab., fig. pp., more
Salomons, W.; Eysink, W.D.; Kerdijk, H.N. (1981). Inventarisatie en geochemisch gedrag van zware metalen in de Schelde en Westerschelde. WL verslag, M1640/M1736. Delft Hydraulics: Delft. 61, fig., bijl. pp., more
Salomons, W. (1978). De toepassing van de multi-elementenanalyse voor het bepalen van de herkomst van slib in de Noordzee: verslag onderzoek. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory: Delft. 26 (67) pp., more