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- Universiteit van Amsterdam; Departement Aquatische Ecologie en Ecotoxicologie, meer
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- Deltares, meer
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Tel.: +31-(0)88-335 80 55
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Publicaties (19) |
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A1 publicaties (7) [show] |
- Booij, P.; Sjollema, S.B.; van der Geest, H.G.; Leonards, P.E.G.; Lamoree, M.H.; de Voogt, P.; Admiraal, W.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; Vethaak, D. (2015). Toxic pressure of herbicides on microalgae in Dutch estuarine and coastal waters. J. Sea Res. 102: 48-56., meer
Provoost, P.; van Heuven, S.; Soetaert, K.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; Middelburg, J.J. (2010). Seasonal and long-term changes in pH in the Dutch coastal zone. Biogeosciences 7(11): 3869-3878., meer
Jonkers, N.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; de Graaf, C.; de Voogt, P. (2005). Fate modeling of nonylphenol ethoxylates and their metabolites in the Dutch Scheldt and Rhine estuaries: validation with new field data. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 62: 141-160., meer
- Jonkers, N.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; de Voogt, P. (2003). Fate of nonylphenol ethoxylates and their metabolites in two Dutch estuaries: evidence of biodegradation in the field. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37(2): 321-327., meer
de Vries, I.; Duin, R.N.M.; Peeters, J.C.H.; Los, F.J.; Bokhorst, M.; Laane, R.W.P.M. (1998). Patterns and trends in nutrients and phytoplankton in Dutch coastal waters: comparison of time-series analysis, ecological model simulation, and mesocosm experiments. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 55(4): 620-634, meer
Evers, E.H.G.; Klamer, H.J.C.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; Govers, H.A.J. (1993). Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-doxin and dibenzofuran residues in estuarine and coastal North Sea sediments: sources and distribution. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 12: 1583-1598, meer
- Ritsema, R.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; Donard, O.F.X. (1991). Butyltins in marine waters of The Netherlands in 1988 and 1989; concentrations and effects. Mar. Environ. Res. 32(1-4): 243-260., meer
Peer reviewed publicaties (2) [show] |
- Eisma, D.; Bernhard, P.; Cadée, G.C.; Ittekkot, V.; Kalf, J.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; Martin, J.-M.; Mook, W.G.; Van Put, A.; Schuhmacher, T. (1991). Suspended-matter particle size in some West-European estuaries; Part I: particle-size distribution. Neth. J. Sea Res. 28(3): 193-214, meer
- Laane, R.W.P.M.; Kramer, K.J.M. (1990). Natural fluorescence in the North Sea and its major estuaries. Neth. J. Sea Res. 26(1): 1-9, meer
Boeken (2) [show] |
- Hisgen, R.G.W.; Laane, R.W.P.M. (2008). Geheimen van de kust: van Zwin tot Marsdiep. Veen Magazines: Diemen. ISBN 978-90-8571-138-4. 256 pp., meer
Laane, R.W.P.M.; Marquenie, J.M.; Ritsema, R.; Van Den Ende, K.C.J.; Donard, O.F.X.; Quevauviller, P. (1989). Impact of tributyltin in Dutch coastal waters: An environmental problem. Nota GWAO, 89.024. Dienst Getijdewateren: Den Haag. 16 pp., meer
Boekhoofdstukken (3) [show] |
- Klamer, H.J.C.; van Zoest, R.; Laane, R.W.P.; Van Eck, B.T.M. (1994). Estuaries as a filter for organic micropollutants: a case study of PCBs in the Rhine and Scheldt, in: Dyer, K.R. et al. (Ed.) Changes in fluxes in estuaries: implications from science to management. Proceedings of ECSA22/ERF Symposium, 13–18 September 1992, Institute of Marine Studies, Univesity of Plymouth. International Symposium Series, : pp. 121-124, meer
- Laane, R.W.P.M.; Turkstra, E.; Mook, W.G. (1990). Stable carbon isotope composition of pelagic and benthic organic matter in the North Sea and adjacent estuaries, in: Ittekot, V. et al. (Ed.) Facets of Modern Biogeochemistry. pp. 214-224, meer
- Laane, R.W.P.M.; Klepper, O. (1988). A synthesis of the research on the ecology and chemistry of the Scheldt estuary, in: Hummel, H. et al. (Ed.) Hydrobiology and chemistry of the Schelde and Westerschelde: proceedings of the Schelde symposium (May 1987, Terneuzen, The Netherlands). pp. 65-67, meer
Rapporten (2) [show] |
Laane, R.W.P.M.; Groeneveld, G. (2000). Butyltin - verbindingen in sediment van de Noordzee, Delta en Waddenzee (1996): verspreiding en normtoetsing. Rapport RIKZ = Report RIKZ, 2000.019. Rijkswaterstaat: [s.l.]. 13 pp., meer
Groeneveld, G.; Yland, E.; Wattel, G.; Pieters, J.; Holland, A.; Tijink, J.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; Leewis, R.J. (1995). Basisgetallen zoute maatlat WSV en milieubalans: zoute watersystemen en de milieubalans: basisdocument getallen en figuren. Werkdocument RIKZ(OS-95.122X). Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee (RIKZ): Den Haag. 6 + bijlagen pp., meer
Overige publicaties (3) [show] |
- Laane, R.W.P.M.; Jonkers, C.C.A.; de Voogt, P. (2004). Zeep in zee: een schone Noordzee? Zoutkrant 4: 10, meer
- Laane, R.W.P.M.; Augustijn, D.C.M.; Baas, A. (2000). Uncertainties in the chemical yardstick for judging the quality of Dutch water systems. European Water Management 3(3): 23-27, meer
- Laane, R.W.P.M.; Klepper, O. (1987). Een samenvatting van het ecologische onderzoek in het Schelde Estuarium. Water 6(37): 137-139, meer