prof. dr. ir. Tack, Filip |
Project |
Top | Instituut | Publicaties | Project |
- Wijzigingen in biogeochemie van metalen bij aanleg van overstromingsgebieden: biobeschikbaarheid, toxiciteit en risico’s (WETMAT), meer
Publicaties (18) |
Top | Instituut | Publicaties | Project |
A1 publicaties (10) [show] |
- Du Laing, G.; Van de Moortel, A.M.K.; Moors, W.; De Grauwe, P.; Meers, E.; Tack, F.M.G.; Verloo, M.G. (2009). Factors affecting metal concentrations in reed plants (Phragmites australis) of intertidal marshes in the Scheldt estuary. Ecol. Eng. 35(2): 310-318., meer
- Du Laing, G.; Meers, E.; Dewispelaere, M.; Rinklebe, J.; Vandecasteele, B.; Verloo, M.G.; Tack, F.M.G. (2009). Effect of water table level on metal mobility at different depths in wetland soils of the Scheldt estuary (Belgium). Water Air Soil Pollut. 202(1-4): 353-367., meer
- Du Laing, G.; Bontinck, A.; Samson, R.; Vandecasteele, B.; Vanthuyne, D.R.J.; Meers, E.; Lesage, E.; Tack, F.M.G.; Verloo, M.G. (2008). Effect of decomposing litter on the mobility and availability of metals in the soil of a recently created floodplain. Geoderma 147(1-2): 34-46., meer
- Du Laing, G.; De Vos, R.; Vandecasteele, B.; Lesage, E.; Tack, F.M.G.; Verloo, M.G. (2008). Effect of salinity on heavy metal mobility and availability in intertidal sediments of the Scheldt estuary. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 77(4): 589-602., meer
- Du Laing, G.; Vanthuyne, D.; Tack, F.M.G.; Verloo, M.G. (2007). Factors affecting metal mobility and bioavailability in the superficial intertidal sediment layer of the Scheldt estuary. Aquat. ecosyst. health manag. 10(1): 33-40., meer
- Speelmans, M.; Vanthuyne, D.R.J.; Lock, K.; Hendrickx, F.; Du Laing, G.; Tack, F.M.G.; Janssen, C.R. (2007). Influence of flooding, salinity and inundation time on the bioavailability of metals in wetlands. Sci. Total Environ. 380(1-3): 144-153., meer
- Vandecasteele, B.; Buysse, C.A.; Tack, F.M.G. (2006). Metal uptake in maize, willows and poplars on impoldered and freshwater tidal marshes in the Scheldt estuary. Soil use manage. 22(1): 52-61., meer
- Vandecasteele, B.; De Vos, B.; Tack, F.M.G. (2003). Temporal-spatial trends in heavy metal contents in sediment-derived soils along the Sea Scheldt river (belgium). Environ. Pollut. 122(1): 7-18., meer
- Du Laing, G.; Bogaert, N.; Tack, F.M.G.; Verloo, M.G.; Hendrickx, F. (2002). Heavy metal contents (Cd, Cu, Zn) in spiders (Pirata piraticus) living in intertidal sediments of the river Scheldt estuary (Belgium) as affected by substrate characteristics. Sci. Total Environ. 289(1-3): 71-81., meer
- Vandecasteele, B.; De Vos, B.; Tack, F.M.G. (2002). Heavy metal contents in surface soils along the Upper Scheldt river (Belgium) affected by historical upland disposal of dredged materials. Sci. Total Environ. 290(1-3): 1-14., meer
Peer reviewed publicaties (3) [show] |
Du Laing, G.; Chapagain, S.K.; Dewispelaere, M.; Meers, E.; Kazama, F.; Tack, F.M.G.; Rinklebe, J.; Verloo, M.G. (2009). Presence and mobility of arsenic in estuarine wetland soils of the Scheldt estuary (Belgium). J. Environ. Monit. 11(4): 873-881., meer
- Du Laing, G.; Vandecasteele, B.; De Grauwe, P.; Moors, W.; Lesage, E.; Meers, E.; Tack, F.M.G.; Verloo, M.G.; Lesage, E.; Meers, E.; Tack, F.M.G.; Verloo, M.G. (2007). Factors affecting metal concentrations in the upper sediment layer of intertidal reedbeds along the river Scheldt. J. Environ. Monit. 9(5): 449-455., meer
- Vandecasteele, B.; De Vos, B.; Tack, F.M.G. (2002). Identification of dredged sediment-derived soils in the alluvial plains of the leie and the upper and sea scheldt rivers (belgium) based on physico-chemical soil properties. J. Environ. Monit. 4(2): 306-312., meer
Boekhoofdstuk [show] |
- Du Laing, G.; Van de Moortel, A.; Lesage, E.; Tack, F.M.G.; Verloo, M.G. (2008). Factors affecting metal accumulation, mobility and availability in intertidal wetlands of the Scheldt estuary (Belgium), in: Vymazal, J. (Ed.) Wastewater Treatment, Plant Dynamics and Management in Constructed and Natural Wetlands. pp. 121-133., meer
Abstract [show] |
Du Laing, G.; Tack, F.M.G.; Verloo, M.G. (2002). Sediment characteristics affecting bioavailability of heavy metals in flooding areas and intertidal zones along the river Scheldt, in: ECSA Local Meeting: ecological structures and functions in the Scheldt Estuary: from past to future, Antwerp, Belgium October 7-10, 2002: abstract book. pp. 49, meer
Rapport [show] |
Tack, F.; Janssen, C.; Meire, P. (2006). Changes in metal biogeochemistry resulting from wetland creation: bioavailability, toxicity and risk "WETMAT": final report. Belgian Science Policy: Brussel. 83 pp., meer
Thesis (co-)promotor (2) [show] |